Balance Hormones After Birth
Help Stave-off Postpartum Depression
Speed Your Recovery Time
Promote Abundant Milk Supply
Restore Blood Lost During Labor
Increase Energy Levels

"Baby Blues" is a common occurrence. It is estimated that 80% of mothers experience it in the first days and weeks after giving birth. Because it is so common, nothing is typically done about it until it worsens into a diagnosis of postpartum depression, at which time anti-depressants may be prescribed. Anti-depressants are passed to the baby through breast milk, and mothers who do not want to expose their babies to these medications are often faced with the decision to either stop breastfeeding or struggle with depression. Women suffer through the baby blues almost as a rite of passage into motherhood... but it doesn't have to be this way.
Research is showing that ingesting the placenta can help...
really quite

YOUR placenta contains YOUR natural hormones and is perfectly made for you, by you. Ingesting your placenta in capsule form is believed to gradually replace the hormones lost so rapidly after childbirth
and therefore eases drastic
mood swings that can
occur postpartum.

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